Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Cabin in the Woods

This weekend I went to see The Cabin in the Woods.  I had no idea what to expect, but I loved the film.  It was super creative and kept you guessing what was going on the whole time.  I highly recommed seeing it.  This is what the writer/producer had to say about the film.


  1. The movie was very good, at least a step in the right direction from where horror films have been going. There was alot of gore at one point, but nothing too over the top. This movie deconstructs everything we know, or think ww know, about the slasher horror film. It is on the same level as what Scream did to revitalize the genre in the late 90s, however, I still take issue with some of the explanations provided. All in all it was worth my $10 bucks.
