Sunday, April 22, 2012

Rabbits - David Lynch


  1. Ok, I know this was posted by someone who I should want to try to impress...but I have no idea what I was supposed to get out of this clip. Mostly, I just want that eleven minutes of my life back. Which really means...I'm going to spend most of the day thinking about the clip, wondering about it. Sigh.

  2. I'm sure the director would be happy to hear your reaction. For me, there is something terribly uncomfortable about this little piece of film. Just be thankful I didn't post the full 48 minutes. Brief clips of this are a part of Lynch's three hour surreal epic, "Inland Empire". Maybe that'e what I'll show the last night of class... Just kidding! Then again, maybe not.

  3. Thank goodness it had subtitles ... whew. That was very abstract, to say the least. I too wanted to clap when someone moved. I expected a hand to reach in and grab a bunny for dinner ...Was this horror? Where's Barnie? Mr. Green Jeans?

  4. I love it! I love it! I totally get it!
    The quintessential modern day family. All they need are cell phones, and it would be accepted as normal to all of us. Applaud the entrance of each rabbit for validation. Talk to one another but delay the response as if being preoccupied, thereby paying scant attention to what is being said and done by other family members.
    "Didn't I ask you what time it was 10 minutes ago - and you are now answering me?" lol.
