Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Scientifically horrible

Sci-fi  for short. Tarantula - playing god gone bad. Some nut thinks using Y3 injections to affect pituitary glands - i.e., growth is a good idea. Giant gerbils, and yes tarantula gets loose and requires napalm bombs to kill it.

Mole people - now here's an Asian albino race of people who live underground and refuse to believe the humans exist, but agree that if they do, they are sent by God. This is a take-off on Plato's allegory of the Cave; those who leave must go down and try to teach, only to be scoffed at and ridiculed. The beauty who rescues the captive humans is a less than popular citizen who bears the long lost trait of humans - the dark eyes. She is rescued to above ground, only to die.

Least but not last, Monolith Monster. Meteorites seeking silica grow with water; sucking life from humans and turning them to stone and growing at massively fast rates as tall as buildings to fall and kill and destroy everything in it's path. This of course, was caused by negative cleavage in the rock. Thank goodness there was a male scientist to find this cleavage. The lesson here, "In science there are no guarantees."

Disc one of three - I'll be returning these for your viewing pleasure.


  1. The jet pilot leading the napalm raid on the overgrown arachnid at the end of "Tarantula" is none other than Clint Eastwood in his first screen appearance. He's wearing an oxygen mask, but there is no mistaking those eyes and that voice. This movie was directed by Jack Arnold, the same man who did "Creature From the Black Lagoon" a few years earlier.

  2. That's just great. Now I have to watch it again!
    I suppose the oxygen mask helped keep Clint from getting typecast as a horror film actor!
