Tuesday, May 1, 2012

28 Days Later

TRAILERS  |  IMDB  |  AMAZON  |  added: Feb 28th, 2003
  directed by: Danny Boyle

Unrealistically scary.  Some monkey-loving group goes to film and save monkeys being used for research. One lone scientist (or lab tech) tells them not to open the cage, and voila - monkeys eat the face off of the animal loving female.
Fast forward to "28 days later." Three of the most unlikely characters make it through an instantaneously transmitted infection - a hospital patient who wakes up hooked up to an IV all alone, wanders through the streets thinking he is the last man alive only to find monstrous humans lurking in the darkness. Superhuman in power, out for blood and transmission of the virus, a young woman, a young girl, and the hospital patient make it to a military encampment. This was so thrilling I am saving the end to see how a handful of soldiers and these three make it out alive or kill the virus.
These bloodthirsty monsters live in darkness, like vampires. They have superhuman strength and an uncontrollable urge for tearing humans apart, like werewolves.  They are difficult to kill, like zombies.
Everyone is living off old sodas and junk foods in this movie.
Stay tuned for the ending.

2002 Poster on E-Bay last bid $243 - signed.

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