Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Last Circus

Beside the house I grew up in, there was an electric fence. I'm not sure who started it, but my siblings and I along with our neighborhood friends all had our turn getting shocked then tricking or coercing the next kid who hadn't touched it yet into doing so, all to experience the "fun" jolt. It wasn't enough voltage to inflict any real, lasting pain but, it didn't feel very good either. We all got a real kick out of watching each reaction. That's what watching, then recommending this film is like. The Last Circus is rather unpleasant to experience but the shock is oddly worthwhile. I actually really like this film. As a matter of fact I'm watching it on Netflix as I write this. Once you get past the over the top violence and insanity, there is a really strong message. That message to me is: if people battle for absolute control or possession of something (a country) or someone, they will ultimately destroy it and themselves. The line between dedication and fanaticism can so easily be blurred when it comes to something worthy of great passion.


  1. Jake, I guess that observation is quite logical. My thesis is a little different. I gathered that a person, country or in this case a Temptress, should never expect a positve outcome to formulate behind a negative devised plan.The movie to me was rather sadistically funny at first but then became a long drawn out overkill.
